Crain's New York reminds us that "the city must close Rikers by 2027, and for years has devised a plan to move incarcerated individuals to four borough-based jails throughout the city to close the island complex."

However, according to Sharon White-Harrigan, the executive director of Women's Community Justice Association leading the #BeyondRosies campaign, "there current facilities like Rose M. Singer Center ("Rosie's") do' nothing about [Rosie's] is working' for women."

Dana Kaplan, the former deputy director of the Department of Correction, claims, "it's too early to know whether a nonprofit-run, standalone facility will actually lower costs," as depicted in our #BEYONDrosies plan. One thing is sure: "transferring people to [Kew Gardens borough-based jail] with a similar model to Riker's Island will continue creating poor health outcomes and contribute to recidivism."

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