State Bill
New York Commission on Women’s Reentry
Women in reentry from prisons and jails face unique challenges. Most are primary caregivers. Many are struggling with mental health and substance use disorders. And all face the additional barrier of sexism.
Sponsored by Senator Cordell Cleare and Assembly Member Jessica González-Rojas, the Women’s Commission on Reentry bill will bring stakeholders to study the needs of women returning from New York’s jails and prisons. The Commission would focus on challenges facing returning women and gender-responsive solutions in the following areas:
- Physical and mental health care, substance use, and trauma
- Housing
- Employment and education
- Family reunification
- Domestic violence
- Access to legal assistance and legal barriers to reentry
- Integration/coordination of post-release supervision with community-based reentry services
Read the full text of the bill:
Senate Bill
Assembly Bill